La Educación Prohibida. A film exploring the origins of the education system and alternative education routes featuring interviews with educators across Latin America and Spain.
Pedagogia do Oprimido.A book by educator Paulo Freire aimed at deconstructing power dynamics in the classroom and exploring an alternative model to education based on his own practice. (ENG)
When Clouds Bring Rain. A children's book about a young girl and her family's journey as refugees from Democratic Republic of Congo to the US and how they learn to adapt to a new culture.
Sea Prayer. A short story reflecting on a father's memories, worries, hopes and wishes for his son as he and his family are forced to flee his native Syria as refugees.
Embarque. A book reflecting on the author's own experience with identity and belonging growing up as a third culture kid featuring interviews with friends and colleagues.
Salud y Migración. An online resource created to help educate migrants and their families on the on the effects of migration on physical and mental health. (ENG)